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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The 4th of January 2000 a new group saw the light of day. It was «c6»Reason.
- «c7»The group got founded by the Czech scener «c6»Subwork «c7»from the group Horizontal
- Lamerz and the Yoguslavian coder & musician «c6»God Jr/I2K. «c7»Both stayed as
- doublemembers of their other groups while trying to create this new team.
- Subwork (swapper) is a scener which all of us know much better as «c6»Lahve!«»
- «»
- «c5»THE DEBUT«»
- «»
- «c7»Already the day after the founding of Reason some more talented members joined
- the group. They were CX8X (graphician), Q_Plung (coder) and Zork (tracer) which
- all joined as doublemembers from Iq2000. The 6th of January their first
- production got released! It was a dentro called «c6»"Here We Are". «c7»The dentro
- was coded by God Jr, which also did the music and some ideas were supplied
- by Lahve. In any case, to release a dentro only two days after the founding
- is quite impressive. The next week two members joined the Reason forces;
- they were Factor6 and Genetix (both musicians).«»
- «»
- A month later on, the second production from Reason got out. It was the
- «c6»announcetro «c7»for their planned mag «c6»OffWorld. «c7»The intro got some various
- flame effects, like a flametunnel and flameobjects. The music is quite
- crazy, hehe... Again it was done by God Jr in his typical way. He also did
- the code, but the graphics and design were supplied by Cx8x.
- Not many days later, more changes happened within Reason. A new member
- joined, it was Darkus which joined as doublemember from Haujobb. And Zork
- was kicked out due to inactivity. On the 26th of February Lahve finally
- changed his handle for the last time, and has kept it until now.«»
- «»
- The next month the musician Deff Bro joined, and Reason also released a
- «c6»party invitation «c7»for their Apocalypse party together with Horizontal
- Lamerz. But that was not all, before the end of March, Reason also released
- an «c6»announcetro «c7»for the pack «c6»Sabotage «c7»under the Horizontal Lamerz label.
- It's just a very small intro with some text displayed over a moving
- greytone background. And last in March, Darkus left them.«»
- «»
- Only a few days later the graphician Malmis joined from Apathy and Void as
- a triple member. And also the swapper Makak joined as doublemember from
- Terror 13 and last Fob (graphician) joined.«»
- «»
- Also May would proove to be a month full of events for Reason. The 1st of May
- they released their first demo called «c6»Rage Against The Female «c7»at the
- Apocalypse 2k party. It's actually a 7mb demo with a story.
- And the next weeks many new members joined their
- forces, like Asarhad (graphician) as triplemember from Corrosion and Bullshit
- Artists, Hypnotic (3d artist) as triplemember from Oxygen and Cefalon, and
- last Zito (swapper/editor) joined as triplemember from Darkage and Layout.«»
- «»
- «c5»THE RISE«»
- «»
- «c7»In the very beginning of June, Reason released a 64k intro called «c6»RazorBack
- «c7»in the compo at the FuckYa'2k party, and won! The intro is being displayed
- mostly in grey colours, and have an object flying inbetween some walls,
- some fast objects shown over a moving background, some blurred linevectors
- etc. The code was done by Godjr, graphics by Cx8x & Fob, and music by Lcr.«»
- «»
- Not much happened within Reason the next months, not until the middle of
- August when Genetix left them but Lcr (musician) joined. At the very end of
- the month Lahve decided to leave Horizontal Lamerz and join Madwizards as a
- doublemember instead. A month later he also joined the ascii crew Layout.«»
- «»
- At the end of October, issue 5 of «c6»Sabotage «c7»got released. This was the first
- Sabotage under the Reason label. Almost a month later Q_Plung got kicked
- due to inactivity. And the 1st of December, «c6»Sabotage «c7»issue 6 got out as
- well.«»
- «c5»THE YEAR 2001«»
- «»
- «c7»The first thing that offically happened in 2001, was that Ham (coder &
- musician) joined as doublemember from Software Failure. And in the middle
- of January also the seventh issue of their «c6»Sabotage «c7»mag got released.«»
- «»
- In March the musician Lcr left the scene and Reason. And rumours were
- indicating that their main coder God jr had become inactive. But not all
- was bad, «c6»Sabotage «c7»issue 8 got released the same month. Anyway, the next
- months the founder Lahve was a bit worried and had some thoughts about
- closing down the Reason project. In May the graphician Malmis left for
- Nature. But still, yet another issue of «c6»Sabotage «c7»got out.«»
- «»
- Then summer arrived, and it was good for the Reason crew which got new
- energy. Ham did his first production for Reason, a 4k intro called «c6»Proton,
- «c7»which got released at the Euskal 9 party. Tripper, a musician and swapper,
- joined in early August and in the middle of the month, the coder Kufa
- joined. In the very last days of the month, Uphold the Law, became the WHQ
- BBS of Reason and finally «c6»Sabotage «c7»issue 10 got released. You can read more
- about that issue in the review presented here in D.I.S.C.«»
- «»
- Anyway, Reason also released an ascii-colly done by Zito. In September Reason
- together with Horizontal Lamerz also organized the Apocalypse party again.«»
- «»
- In the very end of September/beginning of October, Lahve left Madwizards to
- join Scoopex as a doublemember instead. And also "Kufa" has joined Scoopex
- as a doublemember to help building up the old legend Scoopex. Just like
- some members from other crews, like StingRay for instance.«»
- «»
- In the last month of 2001, Reason released their «c6»Sabotage Pack issue 11.
- «c7»You can read the review of it elsewhere in D.I.S.C.«»
- «»
- The last thing that happened with Reason in 2001 was that Lcr rejoined the
- scene and Reason.«»
- «»
- «c5»THE FUTURE«»
- «»
- «c7»We have certainly not heard the last from this "newly" formed crew, and
- will definately get to see more issues of «c6»Sabotage. «c7»Also various other
- projects have been announced, not only intros/demos... so look out for
- that! This very international group has more to offer!«»
- «c1»«al» «c6»CURRENT MEMBERSLIST:«»
- «»
- «ac»«c7»Asarhad ............ graphician«»
- Cx8x ............... graphician«»
- Deff bro ............. musician«»
- Factor6 .............. musician«»
- Fob ................ graphician«»
- God jr ......... coder/musician«»
- Ham ............ coder/musician«»
- Hypnotic .......... 3d modeller«»
- Kufa .................... coder«»
- Lahve ...... swapper/asciimaker«»
- Lcr .................. musician«»
- Makak ................. swapper«»
- Tripper ...... musician/swapper«»
- Zito ........... swapper/editor«»
- «»
- «c6»Reason - No need to delete!«»
- «»
- «e»